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Agile Coach Service is a diverse consultancy with extensive training and consulting offerings.
With primary offices in Alpharetta, Georgia and Fort Lauderdale, Florida we operate in 10 countries and support all international time zones.
10 years ago, we identified a problem that companies wanted to switch to Agile without really understanding what that means
Our solution was to identify that any lasting change is gradual unless it is to be ultimately rejected
With this in mind, the mission of Agile Coach Service is to help the enterprise save money through efficiencies and optimized communication .
We envision a world in which critical vision projects are managed together regardless of methodology and management has full visibility.
Our specific solution is to ensure that all teams focus on the highest of the high priority items at all times and that message prevails through the enterprise
With this in mind, the mission of Agile Coach Service is to help the enterprise save money through efficiencies and optimized communication .
Please review our videos posted above under the Media menu header and download a free copy of our Ten-Minute Agile PDF to provide quick tips for Agile to help in your Agile journey.
Please view and subscribe to our YouTube channel (@AgileCoachService)
Also, sign up and Subscribe now to get early access to our on-line course: Agile in 5 Hours, releasing in Early Fall 2024